Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Statement #37

Student Success Statement
“Set your goals high, and don’t
stop till you get there.”
Bo Jackson

Reflection: I believe what he is trying to say is that we must dream becoming the best that we can be, if we almost make it we are better than not having that goal. Do not stop for nothing that is the lesson, dream big and don't stop.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Statement #36

Student Success Statement
“You can’t put at limit
on anything. The
more you dream, the
farther you get.”
Michael Phelps

22 Olympic Medals (18 Gold)

Reflection: I think this statement means that there 
is no boundary, no set line, no goal we can't reach. Once we set a goal for our selves there is no keeping us away from it. We need to strive for something and even if the goal seems a bit far fetched, we must set our mind to it and try.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Restoring Humanity

Restoring faith in Humanity

I believe in the past centuries we as a species have grown to be more self-efficient and by that we have unattached ourselves from our humanity and this emotion have grown dull and not needed. So I say help every person you see that needs it, so no matter how shy you may be just help out, everyone counts. 

Statement #36

Student Success Statement
“Try a little
harder to be a
little better.”

Gordon B. Hinckley

Reflection: I think this statement is encouraging us 
to try a little harder, because that little bit in the long run can mean a lot. To be the best you can be you must give a 110%, just like the saying. That is how we can get better with any subject like language, math , science, whatever it is give more than what you are.

Day #36

Medical Illustrator
Duties and Responsibilities:
Medical Illustrators are highly skilled artists. They work strictly in the medical field and create graphics for textbooks, journals, magazines, and educational films. Their drawings span a wide range from microorganisms to body parts.
Some medical illustrators prepare illustrations that aid in research about body parts. At times, they are called upon to use modeling skills to create artificial body parts, such as ears, and noses, for patients that are deformed or have undergone some surgeries.

Average Salary: $35,000- $50,000  

Educational Requirements:
Students interested in becoming medical illustrators should take a college preparatory program in high school that emphasizes art and science.
In college they should either major in art and minor in science or major in science and minor in art. Undergraduate science courses should be the same as those required for medical school.
The majority of medical illustrators have master’s degrees in the field from a program that is acrredited by Commission on Accreditation of  Allied Health Educational Programs.
Certification as a medical illustrator requires a graduate degree in medical illustration, a portfolio review, and successful completion of a national examination.
Do you think you would like to be one?

I would not like to be one considering that I am bad at drawing.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Statement #35

Student Success Statement
“If you want to achieve
excellence, you can get there
today. As of this second, quit
doing less-than-excellent work.”

Thomas J. Watson

Reflection: I believe what Mr.Watson is trying to 
express is, if you work, strive, want to be excellent then you mustn't settle for anything less. You must go above and beyond that of a mediocre person, because then and only then can you achieve excellence. There is no sneaky way, back way, no other way than this. Try your best and hardest at everything you do.

Day #35

Medical Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities:
Medical Assistants help physicians and nurses deliver patient care. They schedule appointments: take blood pressures, respiration, temperatures: and perform other routine patient pre-examining procedures. Sometimes they help with office and clerical tasks. Medical assistants work in hospitals, clinics, and private physician offices.
Average Salary: $17,000- $18,000
Educational Requirements:
Students should complete high school courses in biology, physical science, office management, communications, and human relations, although medical assistants training programs may accept GED certificates. Medical assistant training programs are provided by community colleges and for profit technical training schools. They may take between six months and two years to complete.
Do you think you would like to be one?

I don’t think I would like to do this because of the pay.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Statement #34

Student Success Statement
“Paint a masterpiece daily. Always autograph tour work with

Greg Hickman

Reflection: I believe what Mr.Hickman is trying to say is, everyday is a blank canvas, and everyday you get to paint it, you get to express yourself, and try to make every canvas a masterpiece. Each masterpiece different than the other. To make it yours, your masterpiece, you must sign everyday with your best, your excellence. Or else it just has no value at all.

Day #34

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Duties and Responsibilities:
Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) work with and under the direction of registered nurses and physicians. They care for injured, handicapped, and sick patients. Their duties include taking temperatures, blood pressures, and pulses. They also give injections, change dressings, and help give patients baths. In general terms they care for patients in hospitals, nursing homes, and extended care facilities. Some practical nurses work in private homes.
Average Salary: $16,000- $23,000

Educational Requirements:
Although a high school diploma or GED certificate is not always required, it is encouraged. LPNs do not have the extensive professional education that is required for a registered nurse. State approved training programs are offered by the hospitals, vocational schools, junior colleges and private schools.
Do you think you would like to be a Licensed Practical Nurse?

I would not like to be a LPN because I do not find this medical field interesting.