Friday, January 31, 2014

Statement # 45

Student Success Statement
“Kind words can be short
and easy to speak, but
their echoes are truly
Mother Teresa

Reflection: I believe that Teresa is trying to say that words you only need to say them once to someone to leave a lasting impression, but kind ones leave much faster than hurtful ones, that is why we should say them more often.

Day #42

Occupational Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities:
Occupational Therapists help patients who are mentally, emotionally, or physically disabled adjust to handicaps and regain abilities to preform daily living and self-care skills. They work as part of a team with physicians, counselors, and physical therapists.
Occupational therapists design therapy programs and work closely with patients to observe them, help them, and monitor their progress. They frequently design special equipment to aid patients and help with their therapy. They also teach patients how to adjust to work and home life after becoming disabled by injury or illness. Most occupational therapists are employed at hospitals, and many work at schools for the handicapped, rehabilitation centers, or adult daycare centers.
Average Salary: $26,000- $45,000

Educational Requirements:
Students who want to become occupational therapists should take the most challenging high school math, science, and English courses.
All states require either a bachelor’s or master’s degree that includes clinical experience and successful completion of a national examination to become a certified occupational therapist.

Do you think you would like to be one?
I wouldn't like to be one because i don't really like to help people in this way.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

CTR Powerpoint

Biology Powerpoint

Statement #44

Student Success Statement
“The best way to predict your
future is to create it.”

Charles Ketterer

Reflection: I believe what he is trying to say is that to ensure your future of success you must act now and make the choices to make your future even better. You must visualize them and make them come true.

Day # 41

Nursing Home Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities:
Nursing Home Administrators plan and direct operations of nursing homes and long-term care facilities. They supervise personnel, financial, medical and nursing administration. Most work in nursing homes, but some work for large corporations that control many facilities. Some are also involved in teaching and research.
Average Salary: $40,000 - $55,000
Educational Requirements:
Students should take challenging high school courses in business, science, math, and English.

Requirements differ, but most states require nursing home administrators to have at least a bachelor’s degree in nursing home administration, complete and additional internship program, and pass a comprehensive examination.

Friday, January 24, 2014



On this morning of January 24, 2014 during Block Four the whole student body of HPIAM high school attended a school assembly about choices we can make to improve our high school experience by following rules and being always on time. The teachers from HPIAM demonstrated in a comedic manner about how to go about what to do and what not to do. We must always listen to the teacher to get the most out of our free education. We must wear our uniforms to not make distractions in class or out on the yard, also to not make each other feel inferior to one another. We must be on time so that we can also get the most of our education.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Statement #43

Student Success Statement
“Action is the foundational key to
all success.”

Pablo Picasso

Reflection: I believe what Picasso is trying to say is that we have everything with actions and nothing without it. We can have hopes and dreams, but without action those hopes and dreams will never come true, they will remain hopes and dreams until action is used.
Reflection: I believe what Picasso is trying to say is that you have everything with action and nothing without it, you can have hopes and dreams, but without action you 

Day #40

Pyramid Healing

Duties and Responsibilities:
This technique is used to heal by meditation in a hollow pyramid. This is supposed to heal you while you meditate by it is not scientifically proven. You must all place a crystal ball hanging from the top vertex to do the initial healing.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Statement #42

Student Success Statement
“Vision without action is a
daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.”
Japanese Proverb

Reflection: When we dream, we have high hopes that something possible or impossible will happen. When we take action to make these dreams real, we make the dream become real. That is why we must have both, a vision and action. Say you set out to go travel to Spain, you vision yourself there but never actually go, you have a dream. Say you go to Spain, but don't know what to do, you know no one, have to information of their background history, it is truly a nightmare.

Day #39

Nuclear Medicine Technologist

Duties and Responsibilities:
Nuclear Medicine Technologists prepare and administer radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive substances) to detect and treat disease. They then position equipment over patients to make images. These pictures allow physicians to identify abnormal areas. This helps in diagnosing illness.
Nuclear medicine technologists explain these tests to the patients and administer radioactive doses by mouth or injection. They also perform laboratory tests on tissue samples. They must follow strict safety regulations due to the dangers of radiation effects to their bodies and organs.
Their work is performed in specialized hospital departments, clinics, or laboratories. Level of work performed varies depending upon level of training and education completed.
Average Salary: $28,000- $42,000

Educational Requirements:
Students should take the most challenging science, math, and English courses available ibn high school.
Nuclear medicine technology training programs vary in length from one to four years. One year programs that lead to certification are offered by hospitals. Associate and bachelor degrees are offered by hospitals. Associate and bachelor degrees are offered in colleges and universities. Courses include training in safety, radiation procedures, physical science, effects of radiation to the body and organs, and computer techniques. Almost all states require licensing, and all technologists must meet federal standards for administering and using of radioactive materials.
Do you think you would like to be one?

I do not think I would like to be one because I would not like to be around radioactive materials.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Glenn Cunnigham: The Run Towards Victory

Glenn Cunningham competing for KU circa 1933.jpg

Glenn Cunningham

There was a terrible accident, a young 8-year old Glenn Cunningham has his legs burned badly, so bad that doctors wanted to amputate them off, Two years later Glenn has gotten the ability to walk, what inspired him was a quote from the bible, "But 
those who wait on the Lord shall renew their 

strength; they shall mount up with wings like 

eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall 

walk and not faint." In 1936, Glenn Cunningham 

win the Silver Olympic Medal and sets the world 

record for the fastest indoor mile time in 1938.

Statement #41

 Student Success Statement
“Adversity causes some men to
break-others to break records.”

William A. Ward

Reflection: Some people have misfortune, some 
people don't, it is up to you whether or not that 

is going to be a problem or a just an extra push t

do it. This is a test to see what you can do in the 

worst of times.

Day #38

Monitor Surveillance Technician

Duties and Responsibilities:
Monitor surveillance technicians observe the electrical activity of heartbeats which is graphically displayed on a series of monitors in cardiac care units of hospitals. They examine these patterns and provide the results to physicians and nursing staff. They:
·     Gather and report heart pattern information on patients.
·     Operate monitoring computers that simultaneously display multiple patient results.
·     Identify heart pattern changes and abnormalities.
·     Clean and maintain equipment, battery packs, and wiring systems.
Salary: $26,000- $41,000

Educational Requirements:
Students wanting to become Monitor Surveillance Technicians should take math, science, and computer technology courses in high school.
Upon graduation from high school they may enroll in training programs at vocational schools, community colleges, or hospitals. Program length varies from three months to two years.
Do you think you would like to be one?

I do not think I would like to be one because I do not like having to do so many things at once in a rush.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Statement #40

Student Success Statement
“The best inspiration is
not to outdo others, but
to outdo ourselves.”


Reflection: I believe what this person is trying to 
say is that we don't want to push ourselves farther than we can or less than we can. Everyone's ambitions are different. So we must push ourselves to be much more. That is why we can't push ourselves as hard as others, it may be out of our reach. Because we can't do the impossible, before we do the possible.

Day #37

Health Sciences Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities:
Health Sciences Librarians and Library Technicians collect and Library Technicians collect and organize medical information and help practitioners find the information they need for patient care, education, and administration.
Librarians select and acquire books, journals, and other library material. They also establish electronic and digital database information systems. They organize this information into collections and develop catalogs for access and provide reference assistance to patrons. They coordinate and control budgets and supervise library technicians. Library technicians assist librarians in organizing collections, shelve books, manage circulation desks, answer patrons’ questions, and perform administrative duties.
Average Salary:
$20,000 - $30,000 (Library Technicians)
$35,000- $55,000(Librarians)
Educational Requirements:
Students should take challenging high school courses in information management, science, math, and English.
Health sciences library technician training varies by employer. Some provide on the job training, but all prefer that students complete library technician programs at a community college or technical school. Associate’s degrees can be earned in many of these programs.

Health Science Librarians should earn an undergraduate degree in one the life sciences and must earn a master’s degree in library science from a program that is accredited by the American Library Association. Some library science graduate programs offer specialized courses in health science librarianship.

Do you think you would like to be one?
I wouldn't like to be one because I don't like organizing.